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Convertible Top Assembly-1959 & 1960 Disassembly, Restoration, and Assembly, Part 2

In Part 1 of this tech article, we discussed the challenges of finding all the necessary hardware for a convertible top frame restoration. With Eckler's Late Great Chevy's hardware kit (PIN 539004), the process has become more accessible. This kit contains all the hardware needed to restore and install the 1959-1960 convertible top frame, saving you time and money while achieving a great-looking top frame. In Part 1, we explained the disassembly of the convertible top frame, and in this article, we'll pick up from where we left off at Step 19.

Keep in mind the 12 main parts of the convertible top frame. Below is the list of those parts along with their names as referred to in Part 1:

  • a. Side Rails or Frame Rails - six (each side made up of three rails)
  • b. Header or Header Bow - one
  • c. Forward Bow - one
  • d. Center Bow - one
  • e. Rear Bow - one
  • f. Folding Assembly - two (right and left)

Parts List

  • 40-156571-1 1959-60 Convertible Top Hardware Kit
  • 40-138478-1 1959-60 Convertible Roofrail Weatherstrip Set
  • 40-142156-1 1958-64 Convertible Top Tack Strip Repair Kit

Tools Needed:

  • Phillips Screwdriver
  • Flat-blade Screwdriver
  • Assorted Wrenches
  • Assorted Allen (hex) Wrenches

Time Frame: 6 hours to disassemble and reassemble (Time for restoration varies.)

Step 19:

Now that you've disassembled everything, it's time to make any necessary repairs or straightening. If there is metalwork required, address it at this stage. Be sure to mask off the felting on the forward bow and the tacking material on all bows. Some parts may require minor adjustments to ensure they fit perfectly.

Step 20:

If you intend to keep the top assembly original, paint all the parts semi-gloss black. If you prefer a different color, feel free to paint them as you like. Be cautious not to let paint build up on areas of the side rails that will be joined. Allow the paint to dry before starting the assembly.

Step 21:

Before starting the assembly of the top frame, consider these suggestions. It's best to assemble each of the side rail assemblies on a bench with a carpet covering. Start with the left side and go through Steps 22-29 for the left side. Repeat the steps for the right side. Once both sides are assembled, install the frame rails onto the convertible and finally attach the header and bows. This order makes assembly and installation more manageable and minimizes the risk of damaging the top assembly.

Step 22:

Select the left forward rail and the left center rail. Clean any surfaces required to slide the two rails together. Apply a small amount of lithium grease to the contact areas on the hinge for these rails. Install the brass bushing and then thread the bolt into the assembly. Tighten until the two rails bind at this hinge location and then back off 1/8 turn.

Step 23:

From Bag H, install one of the nuts onto the square-headed bolt and then slide a lock washer onto the bolt. Install it into the center rail. It may not thread very far; this is an adjustment stop that will be dealt with when the top frame assembly is adjusted and secured into final position at the top shop.

Step 24:

Now the rear rail will be attached to the center-forward rail assembly. The hardware to use is found in Bag M. Apply a small amount of lithium grease to the contact areas on the hinge for these rails. Carefully slide the rear rail into the center rail, ensuring the correct orientation. Position the wave washer under the head of the bolt and begin to thread the bolt into the rail. Once the threads of the bolt exit, install the internal star washer and start threading the nut. Continue to thread the bolt until the rails begin to bind and then back off 1/8 turn. Now, tighten the nut and lock washer.

Step 25:

The main mounting bracket will now be installed onto the back of the rear rail. The hardware to use is found in Bag P. Ensure the correct bracket is selected and orientated properly. Apply a small amount of lithium grease to the hinge for this assembly. Place the wave washer under the head of the bushing and then install them into the bracket. Position the bracket into the lowest hole in the rear rail and then install the bolt and locking nut. The head of the bushing goes to the inside of the car, and the locking nut goes to the outside of the car. Tighten the bolt and locking nut until the bracket binds and then back off 1/8 turn.

Step 26:

The "folding" assembly will now be attached to the side rail assembly. The folding assembly is the one that was removed in Step 5. Select the correct folding assembly for the left side and attach it to the left side set of rails. Ensure the orientation as shown in the photos.

Step 27:

Use the hardware from Bag G to secure the forward end of the folding assembly to the forward rail. Apply a small amount of sealer under the heads of the three flat-head screws (10-24) that secure the bracket assembly to the forward rail. Install the lock washers and nuts. Use a wrench and Phillips screwdriver to tighten each of the nuts.

Step 28:

Use the hardware from Bag J to secure the forward end of the folding assembly to the center rail. Apply a small amount of lithium grease to the hardware and the contact areas on the rail and folding assembly. Place the wave washer onto the bushing and then the bushing into the folding assembly. Ensure the correct orientation.

Step 29:

Use the hardware from Bag K to secure the long rear arm of the folding assembly to the rear rail. The orientation is the same as in the previous step. Apply a small amount of lithium grease to the hardware and the contact areas. Ensure the correct orientation. Install the internal star washer and nut. Tighten the screw until it binds and then back off slightly. I suggest folding the assembly up and wrapping it in a soft blanket for safekeeping.

Step 30:

At this point, the left side rail assembly is finished and ready for installation onto the car. Repeat Steps 22-29 for the right side rail assembly. Everything is now ready for the final assembly. I suggest that this be done on the car, and you may need assistance. As mentioned in Step 21, the basic idea is to install the frame side rails onto the convertible and finally install the header and bows.

Step 31:

Lay a large towel or blanket across the windshield and dash area of the convertible. The hardware to secure the rail assembly to the convertible quarter is in Bag Q. You will use three hex head bolts and large Belleville washers. Get a 9/16" socket and ratchet ready. Consider using a tap to "chase" the threads in the main mounting bracket to ease installation. Select the left side rail assembly, unfold it, and while your assistant holds it, install the bolts and washers that secure the rail assembly. Ensure the Belleville washer is oriented correctly.

Step 32:

The center rail has a long arm with a bracket attached. This arm-bracket will be secured to the inner quarter assembly just below and to the rear of the bracket you installed earlier. The hardware to use for this is in Bag N. You will use two carriage-head bolts, flat washers, internal star washers, and nuts. Position the bracket as seen in Photo 42 and install the carriage-head bolts. Secure with a flat washer, star washer, and nut. Tighten at least one of the two nuts.

Step 33:

At this point, the left side rail assembly is finished and ready for the installation of the header and bows. Repeat Steps 31 and 32 for the right side rail assembly. Both of the top rail assemblies are now ready for the header and bows.

Step 34:

Get the header ready for installation. Re-install the latch mechanisms. (Remember that there is a left and right mechanism.) On each side, install and secure the latch cover with the Phillips head screws found in Bag A. Position the header assembly on top of the two side rails. Bag A has the hardware for securing the header. Each side will use two bolts and two Belleville washers. While your assistant is holding the header, install all four of the bolts and washers that secure the header. Ensure the high center of the Belleville washer is against the head of the bolt.

Step 35:

Position the forward bow (the one with the heavy belt) across the top of the two side rails. The correct orientation of this bow will have the ends of the bow sweeping toward the back of the car. Bag E has the four Phillips head screws for securing the bow. Each side will take two screws with built-in washers. While your assistant is holding the bow, install the screws that secure the bow. Use a large Phillips screwdriver to tighten both screws at each end of the bow.

Step 36:

Now the center bow will be installed to the front of the rear rail. The hardware to use for this bow is in Bag L, and there are multiple pieces. I will go through the order of the hardware for the left side of the center bow. Apply a small amount of lithium grease to the hardware and the contact areas on the rail and bow assembly. From the inside of the car, install the large slotted bolt into the correct hole of the rear rail. Place the wave washer over the shouldered bushing and then install them over the threads of the bolt and into the hole in the rail. Since this bow has threads, use a large flat-bladed screwdriver to screw the bolt into the threads of the bow while your assistant holds the bow in place. Repeat this for the other end of the bow. Tighten both screws until the bow binds and then back off a little bit. Now install the internal star washers and nuts.

Step 37:

Now the rear bow will be installed to the rear of the rear rail. The hardware to use for this bow is in Bag O, and there are multiple pieces. I will go through the order of the hardware for the left side of the rear bow. Apply a small amount of lithium grease to the hardware and the contact areas on the rail and bow assembly. Place the wave washer over the shouldered bushing and then install them into the hole in the rail. Ensure the correct orientation.

Step 38:

The installation of the hydraulic cylinders will essentially finish the top frame assembly. New cylinders for the 1959 and 1960 convertibles are available and can be ordered as PIN 539014. Bag X has the hardware for securing the cylinders to the lower brackets. On each side of the cylinder, install a rubber grommet. Position the cylinder into the bracket so that the lower hose connection will face the short side of the bracket and then secure with the nut and key. The lower hose connection will face the front of the car.

Step 39:

Position one of the cylinder-bracket assemblies into the convertible so that the long end of the bracket goes toward the rear of the car. Secure it with four 5/16-24 x 3/4" bolts, flat washers, and lock washers.

Step 40:

Now the upper end of each cylinder will be secured to the top frame assembly. Each will be secured to the frame with hardware from Bag X. Install a bushing on each side of the cylinder and then into the rear rail. Remember that the head of the bolt goes to the inside of the car. Repeat this for the other cylinder.

Step 41:

You cannot believe how great this top frame will look when you have finished. Having this great hardware kit, manufactured by Shafer 's Classic Reproductions and sold by Late Great Chevy makes a huge difference. You should have four bags of hardware left over. Bags B, C, D, and F are refilled with hardware for installing the roofrail weatherstrip. The top frame is now ready for the roofrail weatherstrip kit (Order PIN 513030). Also, the top frame is ready to go to the top shop. Some information on adjusting the top assembly and installing the canvas material can be found in the Shop Manual, in the "Body" section and under the "Folding Top" subheading. Congratulations on a great job!

Once the assembly is complete, your convertible top frame will be ready for the roofrail weatherstrip kit (Order PIN 513030). You can also take it to a top shop for further adjustments and installation of the canvas material. Refer to the Shop Manual's "Body" section under the "Folding Top" subheading for more information on adjusting the top assembly and installing the canvas material.

Congratulations on a job well done!